our sustainability ethos

We’re trying to create a culture that cares about the environment within our business.

We’re doing little things that help our clients achieve maximum happiness with our products , from the quality materials we use to the policies we have in place. We’re all about being the best at what we do.

We’re well aware of how style and peoples opinions can change over the years. That’s why we have a trade in policy on our own furniture; everything we manufacture is built to last, which can make it difficult to move on when the opinion of it changes. This is why we offer money back against further purchases from our business. 

This makes it super easy for our clients to keep their home up to date and a happy place to be! Plus we’re offsetting our carbon footprint by repurposing the materials from the returned items! 

As a business that uses timber materials, we are aware of the damage that deforestation can cause. Deforestation can have a massive impact not only on biodiversity and the environment but the local communities that have their natural resources destroyed. Deforestation occurs due to irresponsible merchants, illegal logging, corruption, and bad land management.

Because we are committed to supplying our customers with timber that has been sourced sustainably, we only use certified timber on our products. We always make sure that all of our timber can be sourced with the highest certifications of environmental quality. All of the tradings will also be within the EUTR which aims to stop illegal timber entering the EU.